Tuesday, September 27, 2016


A quiet morning at the pond .  Great way to start the day.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Sunday, July 31, 2016


Today I feel like I lost my wings.............Courage....... If I don't start I cannot finish.... and I will miss all the adventure in-between.  Adventure is one of my favorite things to experience in life. I look for adventure in everyone and everything...brings JOYJOYJOY to my heart.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Mixed Media Flowers

Flowers for the spring....

           Gesso, Water Colors, Acrylic Paint, Geletos and Black Sharpies  

                                                              canvas 34x56

I started with Gesso then the words .  I enjoyed the process of adding the colors to create the flowers and background.

Hearts to you

                               Hearts to You from Studio Be

                  I love hearts all shapes sizes and an easy access to creative adventure with color
                                                         24x24 Canvas  "New Heart"

Eco-Dyeing a new Adventure in Serendipity Art

Using some of the prints from the workshop.
                                                     Rusty Wire Heart anded to paper before
                                                     boiling. Eco-dyeing

Monday, April 25, 2016

Eco -Dyeing

                                Eco-Dyeing at Studio BE

                          Visiting artists Bette Beaurgard and Rickie Steifried  


                            Thanks to all for a great day 

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


I will take wonderful any day and this day in my life  is a wonderful .